Industrial Transportation unlike other transportation, needs lots of expertise to carry out the job efficiently. It not only requires proper management but also accurate material and equipments to shift sturdy as well as sensitive materials from one place to another, both locally as well as overseas. We at Shifting Wale understand this need and so Safe and Care provide you with altogether exceptional services with top-quality packing material to assure safe and secure transit.
Machineries and Industrial equipment crave special attention and packaging while transporting from one location to another. In addition, it has to be protected against damage by using right hosting materials like crane and chain pulleys. We, with our well-equipped team use modern tools to protect, safeguard and transport your material in safe and sound condition.

To preserve International quality standards in our Industrial relocation services, we use highly effective materials like polythene cocoon, bubble packs, thermocols and corrugated sheets to pack the machineries and equipment in order to keep them intact and prevent them from any sort of damage. Further, there are customized crates, pallets and boxes to ensure its safety. Anti-corrosion treatment is also given to those machines which are relocated internationally and lastly, no matter what the material is they are well transshipped by using cranes and trailers.